Robson House

How do we make sure that teaching and support help your child learn and make good progress?

We know that high quality teaching and well-matched support will make a big difference to the progress of children with SEND. Making sure that this happens in all classrooms is one of the most important things that our school leaders do. We make sure that all Teachers and Child Support Workers have a clear understanding of the learning needs of the children in their class.

Robson House school leaders, including the SENDCO, work with teachers and support staff to provide effective teaching and support for children with SEND in a variety of ways. These include:

  • carefully differentiated planning, which takes account of different needs and ensures that all children are able to make progress
  • supporting the Class Teacher to take full responsibility for the learning and progress of all children
  • using a wide variety of teaching approaches, including guiding learning through demonstration
  • providing visual support material
  • providing a stimulating, rich and interactive classroom environment
  • using regular, clear and rigorous assessments that help teachers to track pupils’ progress and identify gaps in their understanding
  • using our marking policy to make sure that children know how to improve their work
  • providing additional adult support from well-trained and well supervised Children’s Support Workers
  • making available specialist equipment and digital technology to support access and participation in learning

We help all children to develop their skills as learners and to persevere when they find learning difficult. You can read more about how we support good learning in our whole school policy.

The different members of the Robson House team have specific responsibilities in ensuring the progress of children in our school:

All staff

  • Will deploy specialist skills to implement an individualized plan, developed and delivered through a multidisciplinary approach, which addresses not only children’s presenting difficulties but also the factors underlying these.
  • Provide a structured environment where clearly defined boundaries for behaviour are shared with children visually and consistently reinforced.
  • Encouragechildren to reflect on their behaviour using the Learning Together Plan
  • Use a range of strategies and approaches to help children manage his feelings including adult narration of their emotional state, and access to safe spaces as required.
  • Identify positive behaviours and feedback and reward these.
  • Ensure that consequences are clearly linked to actions, and that rewards and sanctions are consistently employed.
  • Support structured cooperative and play activities
  • Use Restorative Approaches to address conflict situations.
  • Use praise and reward whenever children show effort or demonstrate positive behaviour.

Class teachers

  • Will design a differentiated curriculum to ensure children’s learning objectives are personalized
  • Will deliver lessons through the Creative Curriculum so as to enhance children’s motivation and contextualize learning
  • Will offer a high level of adult support to help children focus on tasks
  • Will provide clear Learning Targets in visual form during lessons
  • Will ensure that children are involved in the process of setting and reviewing their own targets, and will support children in twice-daily reflection on these targets

Children’s Support Workers

  • Will assist in the delivery differentiated programmes of learning
  • Will offer a high level of adult support to help children focus on tasks
  • Will support and encourage children to meet their targets, and support children in twice-daily reflection on these
  • Will offer regular opportunities for individual reading with an adult to maximize progress in reading

Learning Mentors

  • Will provide access to a trusted adult to help children talk about their feelings and experiences
  • Will deliver targeted support to help children develop skills to interact positively, manage their emotions and regulate their behaviour

Child and Family Mentors

  • Will ensure there is effective communication between home and school and that planning takes account of the family system
  • Will work with children’s parents to build positive relationships between them and school, engage them in partnership, and enable them to support children’s academic learning and social, emotional and behavioural development
  • Will help them to build positive relationships with their children, and to increase their capacity to support children independently
  • Will provide emotional support, support their relationship as parents, and provide practical support for the family in household management


Q. How can I help my child with learning at home?

  • We will make sure that when we meet we will share your child’s the next steps in learning. We also provide training and guidance for parents on how to help their children at home, for example in our parent workshops on literacy and mathematics.

Back to our SEN Information Report.